Nepal is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural country where all people of different communities celebrate different festivals Dashain, Tihar, Chhath, Lhosar, Maghi and so on.
To mention a few across the country in which Dashain is the longest lasting holidays for fitteen from the Gatasthapana to Kojagrat Purnima. This year from Ashoj 21 to Kartik for educational institutions. So the Dashain is the Festival of Festivals in term of long holidays.
Barley if slowed on big earthen pots which have a coating of cow dung. These seeds sprout in ten days. Thr sprouts symbolise a good harvest. They are decoratively placed on the heads of the family members as a blessing.
On the 7th (Fulpati) day sends an offering of flowers to Kathmandu. A bond associated with the Nepali Army plays its music and goes throughout the old place of the city of Kathmandu.
The first day is called Ghatasthapana. Dashain Ghar is a special worship room is set up which is used to worship the Matrikas. The eight tantrik goddess as well as Goddess Durga to whom the festival is consecrated.
The 8th Astami is the day of secrifices temples all over the Kathmanfu valley, sacrifices ranging from goats, buffalo, chickens and so on.
No Hindu scripture says that without performing a penance any god or goddess gave a boon to a person or a demon. We know that Mahishasur was a buffalo demon ‘Mahish’ means buffalo or ‘Raangs.’ ‘Ashur’ means a ‘Demon.’
The columnist of this article is unable to describe which of the three Brahma, Vishnu and Mahadev or other god or goddess gave a boon to Mahisasur to be killed by a woman’s (Durga’s) hands despite his deep study in Hindu mythologies from his early childhood. Mahisasur was such a buffalo or Raango demon that sometimes he could take a form of human and again he could take the form of a buffalo at his will.
In the mythology it is picturised all the gods and goddesses gave their own weapons to Durga Devi to enable her to kill Mahishasur and all the commanders.
Thus when Durga vhawani riding a lion killed Mahishasur and his commanders.
Thus the mother Earth got rid of tyranny and terroism of Mahishasur.