Retd hedmaster
Amar Basic School
Rishing-7 arkhalachap
The inhabitants of 3 village development commitee -Ranipokhari, kotdurbar and Ramjhakot established Arun High School with its Headmaster Shiva Raj Chand of Kahungshivapur-9 Gwaslung in 2022. He served the school very diligently to the best of high abilities. But he couldnot receive his desired objective due to the lack of awareness and non cooperation of the above-mentioned inhabitants of the afordside VDCs. This deteriorated his health and the school came to close to his death in 2020 for almost 8 years till 2031.
Established in 2032 Shiva S.School restarted the study of class VIII(8) with its Headmaster Suratha Prashad Shrma.
Class iv-vii of Jana jagriti lower Secondary school, Ramjhakot in EY 2033\034 and the classes I,III of Arun Primary School, Ranipokhari in EY 2038\039 were respectively merged in Shiva Secondary School after it got its recognization in 2034.
The general conference of 20 chaitra 2065 and 12th Baishak 2066 started the studies of class XI from Shrawan 2067 and class XII from Shrawan 2068 respectively in Shiva Saraswati Secondary school. The school built 12 room building with the assistance of GOI which was inagurated by then Indian Ambassador to Nepal Mr.Ranjit Rae on 6th Chaitra 2072.
Bhart krishna Shrestha, the eledst son of late Saraswati Krishna Shrestha donated Rs 10 lakh 50 thousand to the school just to get his fathers name ‘Saraswati’ added to ‘Shiva’ for renaming from ‘Shiva Secondary School’ to ‘Shiva Saraswati Secondary School’ as per the education rules and regulation.
According to the demand of time the school organised a week-long Shrimand Bhagwat Maha Puran Gyan Maha Yaggya and Religious festival 17-25 magh 2076 for the operation of technical education from which the school collected a sum of more than Rs 1 crore.
Those aspiring to get the technical education will benefit form it when this program comes into operation in the school.
Thus, we see that the school where it is located in the same with its names changed or changed names such as Arun Higher School and Shiva Secondary School in Shiva Raj Chand and Saraswati Krishna Shrestha’s life-times and Shiva Secondary school and Shiva Saraswati Secondary school after their deaths in 2024 and 2055 respectively in Rishing ranipokhari VDC-2 (Now Rishing-8) Howelidanda.
Mr chand died on 24 mangsir 2024 while Mr shrestha died on 24 falgun 2055. Though their physical bodies are not with us but their contributions and good deeds done for the all round development of the people and society will remain fresh and immortal forever for centuries to come historically.
Let us pay tribute to both Mr chand and Mr Shrestha.
1 comment
Mr stha was killed or died